Tuesday, January 27, 2009

So I know I am really behind on the blog sorry about that! I guess it is par for the course that being a new Mom takes up so much time. A couple of weeks ago, our camera broke, so we had to get a new one Since every day Chloe has seems to be a new adventure. Over the past few weeks, our wonderful friends Matt and Maria came over to watch Chloe while Grant ans I had a much needed night out. We went to Bel Rio and had a wonderful meal. We couldn't help but to put our cell phone on the table and just stare at it while we were eating, thinking something would go wrong, but according to them, she was an angel!

One thing I have learned about having a baby is that it is never about you any more even though it is. when people give you gifts, it is all for the baby or something for the baby that helps you out, like a stroller or a carrier. Everyone forgets about Mom, who has been through so much physically, mentally and emotionally. Not that I am trying to be selfish or anything, but there's a lot going on and I can see how all the new stressors get to people. One of my best friends, Julie asked me what I needed for Chloe, I really couldn't think of anything because many of our friends and family have completely spoiled her! So when I checked the mail one day, I was elated that she sent me a gift certificate for a massage from my favorite spa, Oasis. This was heavenly and much needed after the strain of carrying around an extra 20-30lb for 5 months. This was so appreciated. Also, it was great having meals folks brought by and sent to our home as we tranistioned into a new life. Cooking during the week has been a real challenge. I definitely have a new perspective on baby showers. Next time I go to one, I am pampering Mom and Baby!

We spent Valentines weekend repainting our bedroom and playing with Chloe. I was sort of admiring her all weekend, because she showed up in my belly a year a go this time last year. Time flies! We made a great dinner and had some bubbly after Chloe went to bed. Here are some pictures Grants mom took yesterday.

Doesn't she have the prettiest blue eyes? She is getting really close to rolling over so stay tuned!

She is loves to be on the floor and smile and take in all that is around her. I love her smile!

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