Tuesday, March 31, 2009

2 Reasons Why We Love our House

One thing we had and hadn't considered when we bought our town house: We are really close to our neighbors, so close in fact that our neighbor's living room is closer to Chloe's room than our basement. An epiphany! Wha-la! While at our neighbor's house w/some friends watching basketball this weekend, we realized our monitor works from their house! It was the greatest thing ever because we were still close by and could still hear Chloe if she woke up. So we babysat our own child while still having a good time with friends. A much needed break for us. Good thing for us, we like our neighbors!

When Chloe gets old enough for Kindergarten, her School is in our backyard. So that means we can be one of those parents who walks their child to school. The school playground is right outside our house. We spent some time outside this weekend, as the weather was really nice. Chloe was enjoying the baby swing, making some funny faces at me while I took her picture.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Food for Thought

Every week, Grant and I both enjoy Chloe's present discoveries and look forward to see what the next week brings. Every day, her personality ripens a bit more into the pretty little girl that she is becoming. As I have mentioned in previous blogs, I really thing she is going to be a real talker. I am not sure I have ever seen a baby with as much energy as Chloe, but then again, I have not been around many babies. Here is a glimpse of what we deal with every night before bed. Maybe she will be a singer? a comedian? Quite amusing, really.

It is the 40th anniversary of the story, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". This was one of my favorite books as a child because I loved all the pretty colors. Perhaps, it is the precursor as to why I decided to study science. I learned early about the life cycles, fruits and veggies, and the need for food as a means of energy. Reading this book to Chloe as an adult has made me think about how simple and similar life really is among different species. Something that starts as a very small egg enters the world with fundamental needs. For some species, this is food, for the more sophisticated, food and love among other things. Throughout the life process as parents, we provide our off spring with the things they need to become beautiful creatures. When I was reading to Chloe and got to the end, when the very hungry caterpillar becomes a beautiful butterfly, I couldn't help but to think about how beautiful she is today and will be tomorrow.

On a funnier note, she is at the phase where everything goes in her mouth, the very hungry Chloe was trying to eat the very hungry caterpillar...The fundamental need for food is so instinctual. Although I think this behavior suggests she is ready for baby food, we are waiting until 6 months at our Pediatrician's recommendation.

This weekend we also too her to her first UVa baseball game. Thanks to Nancy, we got this really awesome backpack for Chloe, which I think is going to prove very valuable in airports and crowded places. We thought we would try it out since strollers don't maneuver well up and down stairs at stadiums. Grant and I are always amazed as to how much stuff it takes to have a baby. We have used just about every bit of all the many gadgets in our house.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

Rolling Over!

On Friday, I went out to Barracks Rd. Shopping center to go to B&N and Ann Taylor Loft. I had Chloe in the stroller and went into the dressing room to try on a dress. She was beginning to get fussy, so I took her out of the stroller and set up her blanket with some toys on the floor to keep her occupied while I got dressed. I laid her on her back and put some toys around her. About one minute later, she saw the toys, lifted her legs up and fell over to the side on to her tummy with her hands in her mouth (classic Chloe) It was so exciting! The people outside the dressing room must have thought I was crazy, but I honestly didn't care. Although I am off on Fridays, I still work full time, and many times pull 12 hours days. So during the week I get to see Chloe for maybe 2 hours, if I am lucky, before she needs to go to bed. I am always so afraid I am going to miss all these milestones, but so far I haven't. She is such an active and energetic child. When I came home later that day and had her one her quilt, she did it again while I was taking some pictures.

Playing on her back one minute....

And playing on her tummy the next...

Somehow she also pulled a 180 in there...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Little Things in Life

It is hard to believe that our little Chloe Grace is 4 months and growing. Every little week there's such a difference. Since I last posted, her personality has continued to develop. She is very stubborn, which she gets from both Mom and Dad. Instead of slowing working up to hunger, she goes from hungry to screaming in a matter of seconds. She is back to eating every 3 hours or so, but I think she is going through a growth spurt. She only will ever eat smaller bottles at a time, but she eats a lot of them, so some days it feels like we are feeding her all the time.

She loves to hold her own bottle.

The other big milestone is that she has started laughing. She loved to be tickled, especially before a bath or a change of clothes (which is frequent)! It is a really belly laugh like (hehehheheeeee!) as opposed to what she was doing before which was just making noise while smiling. When she did this for the first time last week, I was beside myself with excitement and stated jumping up and down. You really have to hold out for these refreshing and over joyous moments, especially with a baby as demanding as Chloe.

This is a video of Chloe cooing back when I talk to her. Apologies that it is a little dark.

Her new thing this week is making her lips vibrate while spiting and making noise (not sure show to describe this, so I really need to get it on video). It is the funniest thing. She thinks so too because she'll do it constantly and then start laughing, so clearing she enjoys it. I've also noticed that when I talk back to her when she does this she smiles even more. I think she is definitely going to be a talker. Good thing phones have come a long way and the days of charging by the minute are long gone.

She gets fussy at dinner time, so we have been having her some to dinner with us in her Bumbo chair. She seems to be fascinating watching us eat. Now she sort of wonders what it is all about? It's about the only way we have been able to maintain eating together. I think this will be good for her anyway; gets her used to being at the table and socializing.

We also introduced her to the doorway jumper. For those of you who know what a "Jonny Jump Up" is, then it is very similar. Chloe is not one to sit still, so I am not sure why we have so many infant seats in our house? She likes to sit up or stand while we hold her and just jump, so we thought we would give it a try. Although she wasn't crazy about it at first, she's getting used to it and beginning to like it. It gives her a new a perspective!
This was the first day we set her up in the jumper.

This was about a week later, so she's a bit more coordinated.

Finally, We got to meet Gus! My good friend Connie had her baby almost two months ago and we finally got to see the little Man! Chloe needs some girl friends. Everyone I know who has had babies, the same time as me have all been boys! Kelly, I am holding out for you!

Chloe and Gus hanging out!

Proud Mommies!