Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Payton Kemper Kite

When you are about to enter 5th grade and you've moved half way across the country and you know no one, you don't expect to meet your best friend in the local 7-11. You don't think that your 9th grade boyfriend will be your best friend's husband one day. And, you can't possibly imagine that you will have the opportunity to be moms at almost the exact same time. Well this is my story.

Diana and Wes were blessed a couple of weeks ago with this beautiful little miracle, Payton Kemper Kite. He was born on Sept. 16 and adopted by Diana and Wes on Sept. 17 in Atlanta, GA. At a little over 5.5lbs, he's been a little trooper, having to travel to Utah last week so the official paper work could be signed. He is a such a good baby. When they returned home last week, I went to visit the new family on Friday. Like any new mom, they needed the goods, you know, diapers, bottles, diaper pails, the essentials and groceries. We were shopping for 4 hours and he never cried once! Such a great baby. I can only hope I am so lucky!

As you can see, I am getting lots of practice!

Visit from Philly...

My roomie from college, Morgan, and her fiance, John, came to visit us last weekend. It is so great to see friends that you don't get to see all that often. We went for a walk on UVa grounds since it was such a gorgeous day and celebrated my birthday!
Morgan and I walked past our dorm in Brown College. Yes and am very pregnant.

Morgan, John, Grant and Layla on our walk around UVa.

Monday, September 29, 2008

For our Family and Friends

As the birth of our little girl nears, Grant and I have set up this blog to update our family and friends of the little moments we will experience as our life changes. I know I have really benefited for reading my friends' blogs as their lives have changed since having children. Since many of you live out of town, we hope to share pictures of our new little girl (to be named at birth). We finished our nursery this weekend and we are preparing our home for her arrival. I am so ready for to meet this little girl she move around a lot inside. Aside from being extremely uncomfortable, I am excited about becoming a mom and watching Grant be a loving father.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

New additions...

Erin and Grant

The McElwain family of Grant and Erin is getting bigger. In addition to the two of us, we have two cats, Piper and Cracker and a puggle dog, Layla. We are expecting our first child due on November 5. We hope that this blog will help us share what's going on in our lives with our family and friends, especially those who live far away. We are excited for the arrival of our little girl, which is a little over 6 weeks away. I still can't believe we are going to be parents! ahahah!


Piper & Cracker