Saturday, January 10, 2009

Get Pumped!

Chloe is growing. On Friday, I took her for her 2 month check up and she was a whooping 10lbs. 7 oz. and 23in. long. I was worried that she wasn't getting enough to eat, but Dr. D assured me this is not a problem. The only time she breast feeds is in the middle of the night. Since introducing the bottle, during the day, she prefers it over the breast which means I am pumping all the time. I have replaced my little black purse with the little black backpack, which has my built in pump. One of the nice things about working in a hospital is that they have rooms for breastfeeding moms. I have to pump before I leave in the morning at 5:30, 3 times at work and twice when I get some. The breastfeeding nazi's would say that is not enough, but I can't wave the magic milk wand over me to make any more than I do. By the way after breastfeeding for 2 months, I have to say it is the hardest, natural action I have ever experienced. It is by no means intuitive. But this is what I have to do since I am a proud and working mom. Sorry, no pictures of the little black pump action.

One of my favorite things with Chloe, is feeding her in the middle of the night. A friend of mine at work recently mentioned that was what she missed most about her kids when they were little. While I need and value my sleep since I am working 10 hour days, I love the way she looks up at me when she's eating. She goes from being really whinny, to really happy and satisfied. She looks up at me with her big eyes with her hands clutched chomping on my boob. It is really great and something I can't really describe in words. Sometimes she even smiles while eating and her little dimples shine though on her face. So precious.

1 comment:

Meghan said...

Looking gorgeous as always, Ms. Chloe! Can't wait to play with you again!