Sunday, December 14, 2008

Heads Up!

For Christmas, My mom and Richard gave us a video camera to document our new family moments. This is great because now I don't have to check one out from the library every time I want to record Chloe, which you can't always predict. One of Chloe's first developments is holding her head up. She's getting pretty good at it I think because she cries so much. When she is in one of her wailing moments, her body tense up and her head gets really stiff and she holds it up. The Bumbo seat (thanks to the Feists) is supposed to help infants as young as one month to sit upright before they can on their own. Chloe is also learning to grip objects like rattles, but her favorite is my hair---lucky me.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Photo Shoot

One of my friends I know from the The Charlottesville-Albemarle Rescue Squad, Dottie, has a photography business. She did some photos for our wedding and photographed Chloe last week. You'll see Chloe's regular state of whaling in some of the pictures, but you'll also see houw precious she is. I think my husband looks pretty hot too. Follow this link and the password is conger.

You can also check out her blog at

I highly recommend her services if you are ever in need of a photographer.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Chloe is 4 weeks!

It is hard to believe that 4 weeks ago, little Chloe came into our lives. I almost remember what an evening was like for Grant and I, but life is so much more interesting having Chloe around. Even though I am still home on maternity leave, I still find it hard to find time to do the simplest things, like get the mail, return phone calls and shower--to name a few. However, thanks to a recommendation from Diana, I am trying to use the sling more, so I have hands free capabilities, but she still thinks I am holding her (i.e. right now, which is why I am able to update the blog). At 4 weeks, Chloe is able to almost hold her heard up and can move it from side to side. She has started cooing when she is awake and alert or when she is getting her diaper changed. This is a great sign, because she is starting to show happiness.

We have developed a little routine in the mornings. Daddy gets ready for work while we are still sleeping. After Grant leave for work, shortly thereafter, Mommy and Chloe wake up and I get her diaper changed (which she loves) and new outfit because it is either sweaty or her diaper has leaked. By the time she gets a fresh diaper, she is ready to be fed. When I pick her up from the changing table she opens her mouth and begins making noises and pecking at my face. Sometimes she moves her tongue in and out, which is another way she tells me it's time to eat. She's become a pretty good nurser. Once she gets to the breast after making numerous grunting sounds, she opens her mouth wide, much like a shark going out for prey, and grabs onto my boob and nipple. It is pretty amazing that something so small and clueless about the world is so efficient and intent about it's next meal. For me this has been one of the most fascinating things about becoming a mother. After eating, she is usually pretty alert, so we play on the butterfly gym mat. She likes to look at the hanging toys, especially the ones with the mirrors. She hasn't started purposefully grabbing at them yet, but she moves her arms and legs around, which is good physical activity and helps relieve her gas. After we play on the mat, we usually read a story. She seems to be fascinated by voices and it usually calms her down, with a little rocking or bouncing on my knee. At this point she begins to cry and I think it's because she is bored or still tired, so I'll take her down to the den and rock her either in the UVa rocking chair (a gift from my dad for college graduation--I know he envisioned this rocker to be used to rock his grandchild to sleep) or the leather rocking recliner in the TV room. She may then have periods of screaming, which I have to figure out what is wrong with her, so my mom and I came up with the ABCs of a fussy baby.
A--Does she need Attention?
B--Does she need to Burp?
C--Does she need Cuddling?
D--Does she need a diaper change?
E--Is the Environment too hot or cold?
F--Does she need to Fart?
G--Does she have Gas?
H--Is she Hungry?
I--Is there a possibility of an infection or sickness?
J--Should I sing her a Jingle?
K--Does she need Aunt Kimberly (hahah--we put that one in there for fun!)?
L--Is Layla licking her face?
M--Does she want to Look at her Mobile in the crib?
N--Does she need a Nap?
O--is she Over-stimulated?
P--Does she need her Parents (because we are the only ones who know the little idiosyncrasies of what make her happy)?
Q--We have tried everything and we have no idea what is wrong and it is still a Question?
R--Does she need Rest?
S--Does she want to be Swaddled?
T--Does she want to be Tickled?
U--Should we bounce her Up and down?
V--Let's try putting her in the Vibrating chair...
W--Does she want us to hold her and Walk around?
X--Uhhh, I still have no idea?
Y--It's YOU! Pass her off to the spouse!
Z--and hopefully finally she gets some Zzzzzz

So by the time, you go through all these possibilities, she are exhausted, ready to pull your hair out and wondering why the birth control didn't work (Yes you are literally thinking about suing the Pharmaceutical company). Then you look down at this precious little life, and you realize that nothing else matters, except for the love you feel for the precious little life that you hold in your hands.
See what I mean? How Cute is she? This is her facial expression after some of that cooing that she has begun.
Grant is really good at getting Chloe to Burp and to sleep. Aww! Such a natural Dad!


I see You! Nursing in public is really hard. Thanks to Kelly who got me this nursing cape, I can nurse just about anywhere in public, without making a scene or making some guy faint at the sight of my enormous boobs. It also makes you realize how most public places and businesses are not mom friendly.

Chloe drifting off in Grandma Betty's arms. I think she looks like Grant in this picture...

Chloe playing at the little gym getting her exercise.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Congrats to Mom and Richard!

While my mom has been visiting, me and baby Chloe, she took a break and went to DC to meet up with Richard who was there on business. However, we learned when they arrived in Charlottesville, his real order of business was PROPOSING! Yes you heard me right. My mom is engaged. I think this is great for the both of them. I am so glad he makes my mom happy. Richard is a great guy who will also make a great grandpa for Chloe. I know my Dad would want my mom to be happy. Since my dad can't be in Chloe's life, it will be great to have a stepdad to share in all the grandpa experiences.
The proposal, Gaylord National, Washington, D.C.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Getting out

Chloe and I were getting cabin fever so we went out with Grandma Betty to Belk where we go some PJs before we headed out to see the pediatrician. Chloe was fascinated by all the lights in the store, which was a great means of distraction from her gas, which make her really fussy.
Chloe is getting some much needed shut eye!

Chloe has also had some visitors. This past weekend, we went the Grandpa and Grandma McElwains' for the first time.

Nancy also stopped by to see Chloe.

Diana and Payton also came by this week to see us! Chloe's first play date! Gene and Nikki made us a fantasic dinner This past week! They take care of Layla as if she were their own. Nikki, you're next!

Grant and I were able to sneak away form the little one to celebrate our friend Katie's 25th birthday last Sat. night. There was a much needed beer in store for Grant and I. Can you tell we were having a good time, even if it was only for an hour and half?

Last night, we took Chloe to Her first UVA event! We went with the family (Betty, Richard, Kim, Justin, Grant and I) to a UVa basketball game. We thought that since Chloe has long fingers like Kimberly, Basketball might be in her future. She loved it!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Family of Three

Thanks for being patient. Grant and I are getting better at the mom thing. I am figuring out which cries are "Mom, I'm Hungry." vs. "Mom, I just want to suck on something to make me feel better." vs. "Dad, I can fart just like you!" Vs. "I am sitting in my own poo." It has been an adventure this week. We were a little concerned about her Jaundice and her one lb weight loss in the days we left the hospital, but she has since gained most of it back. There have been many sleepless nights, as with most newborns, so we haven't had much time to post pictures. Here are some of my favorites. Here's what we've learned about her so far:
Chloe likes to suck on her fingers or her fist, depending on her preference of the moment.
Chloe's first bath. She really liked the warm water and she was smiling a little bit.
Chloe is all about the Tiny Love Musical Mobile. On the underneath side of the mobile are black and white shapes that seem to be stimulating her eyes. At this age babies can only see black and white, so it is really good for their brain development.
As you might recall from one of my earlier posts, I wondered how Layla and the cats would react to Chloe. Layla has turned out to be a mother hen. She is always at Chloe's side when I am feeding her or when we are just holding her. I think she wants to help, but she's not sure how. When the cats get too close to Chloe, Layla lets them know. She has turned out to be very protective and the cats have adjusted wonderfully.
Chloe loves the car, which is good news for me so I am not distracted by her crying while driving. Our only adventures so far have been to the pediatrician, but we are planning on going out a little more this weekend.
Grant and I try to get sleep wherever and whenever we can. I am trying to sleep when Chloe sleeps, She like to be rocked in Grant's recliner and then she falls asleep on our chest until the next feeding. She's not always comfortable in the bassinet or crib, but we'll take the sleep when she gives it to us.

More to come, but sleep for now...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Chloe Grace

Hello all. Aside from the snide remarks under the title, this is the first time I've put anything up here. As I'm sure anyone reading this knows, Erin gave birth to Chloe Grace McElwain today at 8:48 a.m. Erin was a total rockstar throughout all 13 hours of labor, although, as she will readily admit, the drugs helped (like I said, a total rockstar). But enough of my babbling, below are pictures of our little girl, which we know are the only reason anyone has ever looked at this site in the first place. A special shout out to Grandma Betty, who is currently at the hospital with the dynamic duo of Chloe & Erin while I post these pics and catch a few ZZZZZZZZZZZZZs. And an extra special shout out to Grampa McElwain, who just sat there in a rocking chair repeating "The metric system is the tool of the devil! My car gets forty rods to the hogshead and that's the way I likes it."

P.S. The pictures are in reverse order because this blogging program was designed by the same people who thought Sarah Pallin was qualified to be the leader of the free world. As I've been up for roughly 143 hours, I'm just going to leave well enough alone.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Halloween Fun!

Below are some pictures from our really fun weekend Halloween party at the Syanns. This will likely be our last babyless party before the baby is born, so we had to make it fun. Given that this is the week of the election, there were several political figures, including 2 Sarah Palins. Hosts Matt and Maria, were Popeye and Olive Oil and served up a wicked witches brew which Grant tells me was really good. I went as a gumball machine. I had to think of something where I could incorporate my big belly, but still look like something cool!

Leaving for the party, and no, I am not drinking...

Book club girls!
Witch's Brew, yeah for Organic Chemistry.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Advice for introducing pets to new babies?

So we know the pets think something is up. There are all the new nooks and crannies in the baby room. There's swing in the living room with dangley toys. There's a bassinet in our room that the cats think is really snugly. There's less room in the car because of the seat. Layla, Piper and Cracker all like to sleep on my belly. Piper even thought it would be funny if he jumped from the ground on top of my belly, as if it was his personal shelf. If anyone has any helpful advice as to how to introduce pets to new babies, I'd appreciate it. We have a hyper dog and two lovable cats, who might like to get a little too close. Friends have told us not to do anything too different, but only allow them in the room when I am in there. Also, someone mentioned bringing home a baby blanket from the hospital so they can be introduced to her smell before we get home. Another friend. I think it will be fine, but I don't want our first love to think we don't love them anymore once our new love arrives.
Layla relaxing on my belly, curious by the movements.

Piper and Cracker hanging out in the bassinet after Grant put it together.

Hhmmm....What's going on?

Hhhhhmmmmm....Why is mommy's belly getting so big? She can't keep up with me on my walks. She's slow getting up the stairs. There are all these toys that I just want to chew up and they keep saying no! Boy, I sure do love licking my own crotch. Will things ever get back to normal? Why won't the let me in the room with the window? I can't bark at all the dogs that walk by our house!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

For Dad...

For the last three years, I have volunteered with the American Cancer Society to raise money for cancer research. The event I volunteer with is the annual Pavilion Ball here in Charlottesville, where 60% of the funds remain local, while the remaining 40% goes the national ACS. I am fortunate to work and live in a community with fantastic cancer physicians and care providers, so I know the money we raise is well spent and helps patients in our community.

Each year our committee works hard to put on a great event, organizing a silent and live auction, honoring cancer survivors and having a great time. the theme this Year was "Lights, Camera, Take Action." And while there is nothing glitzy and glamorous about having cancer, it is a fun event that celebrates survivors and those we've lost. We are there to raise money for a cure. Everyone knows someone who has had a battle with cancer. As you may know, almost 4 years ago, my dad was a victim of lung cancer. I always dread that January day that he died, so instead I celebrate my dad on the night of the ball. I celebrate with my husband and my friends, and last year my Mom celebrated with us too. It is hard work, but so is fighting cancer, and many people fight for their life every day. I remember all the hard work my dad put in for me so I could have a great life and for this, we raise our glass, and hopefully the standard of how cancer is treated in the future.

Thanks for all you did for me Dad. We miss you!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A Welcoming Party...

A few weekends ago, Meghan, Ashley and I threw a welcoming party for Payton. Many of Diana and Wes's family and friends were able to attend. The highlight for me was when Grant got to hold Payton. It just made the experience a little more real. I couldn't help but to think that in a few weeks, that will be Grant holding our little girl. So exciting!
Grant, You're a natural!

Friends for so long.....Hard to believe we have kids...

Monday, October 27, 2008

Connie's shower...

After I found out I was pregnant, my good friend, Connie found out she was 10 weeks behind me. It is great to have friends who are going though the same experience as you. It is hard to believe that 9 months ago, kids were not in the picture for not only me, but some of my friends as well. Oh, how things have changed, (for the better of course)! We celebrated Connie's little boy and she got lots of great things. The nice thing about having a pregnant friend, is that you can share experiences and clothes! We spent the day at Brix Cafe where the food was great, but the friendship was even better. If you ever need to have a shower somewhere in town, this is a great place; good food and an open atmosphere.

Pregnant Buddies!

Monday, October 13, 2008

I am so ready!

I work with 7 guys and we all share an office. Our job is to decrease medical supply costs by $10 million dollars by March 1, 2009. We are more than half way there, so we can have a little fun while we work. It was April Fools Day when I told my co-workers I was pregnant. Some of them didn't believe me, and for some it became more clear as the Summer came closer; some felt the need to measure. Although, I love my co-workers, I am really looking forward to 7 weeks off with little baby McElwain. I haven't taken a vacation day since March, although I don't think endless, sleepless nights breastfeeding is really a vacation.

This picture pretty much sums up how and feeling with 3 weeks to go.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

There is still room for sleepovers...Even for Moms!

So before the blessed arrival of baby Payton, my three best friends since elementary and middle school decided it would be fun to take me out to dinner and have a good ole' fashion sleep over. This was a belated birthday celebration and was supposed to be our last alone time before I became a mom in less than a month. The evening was complete with wonderful Thai, friends, laughter, girl talk, ginger ale, chocolate, and what slumber party would be complete with out a scandelous chick flick, Sex and the City. I always thought your personal life would come to an end when you become a mother; that there wouldn't be time to hang out with your friends and do all the fun things you used to do together. The thought of replacing my Michael Kors bag with a clunky diaper bag, was not what I had in mind. When I first found out I was pregnant, I was selfishly not looking forward to being a mother because none of my friends had children and I thought I would feel alone. I didn't want to give up my married life with our other couple friends. I am thankful Diana beat me to it. Now, at least 4 of my close friends are all having babies within months of each other. Little three week old Payton Kemper Kite assured me this weekend is that life doesn't stop just because the baby comes. Moms can still have slumber parities too. The fun ain't over baby!

As you can see, there is no shortage of fun here and if you could hear this picture, you would know we are doing a great job of keeping Payton awake!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Making room for baby...

Grant and I have been working really hard this week to get Baby McElwain's room ready. He so graciously gave up his man room for our little girl. We have also been in the process of finishing our basement, which makes a much better and abigger man room. Since from today, there are 33 more days until her expected arrival, we figured we ought to get things ready. Thanks to our parents, friends and Craigslist, we were able to get just about everything we think we need to make her the happiest baby ever. Really, we are hoping we have created a room which optimizes sleeping through the night!

A little place to get some ZZZZs....

This is will be my new favorite chair for those late night feedings and bedtime stories...

A place to change poopy, stinky diapers (Not looking forward to that)...

And Cracker, for now thinks it is his place to hang out and sleep...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Payton Kemper Kite

When you are about to enter 5th grade and you've moved half way across the country and you know no one, you don't expect to meet your best friend in the local 7-11. You don't think that your 9th grade boyfriend will be your best friend's husband one day. And, you can't possibly imagine that you will have the opportunity to be moms at almost the exact same time. Well this is my story.

Diana and Wes were blessed a couple of weeks ago with this beautiful little miracle, Payton Kemper Kite. He was born on Sept. 16 and adopted by Diana and Wes on Sept. 17 in Atlanta, GA. At a little over 5.5lbs, he's been a little trooper, having to travel to Utah last week so the official paper work could be signed. He is a such a good baby. When they returned home last week, I went to visit the new family on Friday. Like any new mom, they needed the goods, you know, diapers, bottles, diaper pails, the essentials and groceries. We were shopping for 4 hours and he never cried once! Such a great baby. I can only hope I am so lucky!

As you can see, I am getting lots of practice!

Visit from Philly...

My roomie from college, Morgan, and her fiance, John, came to visit us last weekend. It is so great to see friends that you don't get to see all that often. We went for a walk on UVa grounds since it was such a gorgeous day and celebrated my birthday!
Morgan and I walked past our dorm in Brown College. Yes and am very pregnant.

Morgan, John, Grant and Layla on our walk around UVa.